Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Spring Cleaning Bug

Well, I don't consider myself a material person. I only try to purchase what is needed. Usually weeks, months or years after I have decided that " It" is needed. Save, save, save and buy once then buy right.

Great philosophy.

When did I forget the part to get rid of something once it is broken, worn out and useless?! My home is very lived in and less than what I or anyone would call tidy. You won't get sick from eating here but "Things" have been accumulating. My affectionate saying on the subject, " I don't bother the dust and it doesn't bother me" I truly now believe that the dust tumble weeds have grown into weapon baring wolves and just as large. No open door and spring breeze will remove them from where they hide. Fine, forget the vacuum I will get the rake from the garden shed. Show them who's boss.......

Yesterday was chilly and rainy so I decided to go into the abyss (my childrens rooms) and make an attempt at vacuuming without removing all the little parts that are important in some way to them. Not a problem. I couldn't get in either door. The floors were covered in toys, outgrown clothing, and useless papers. Seems my pack rat genetics have been passed to my children.

Countless garbage bags later and only about four feet into each room I am debating whether to rent a dumpster and just shovel everything out the window. My children are at the age where they are growing fast, wear a piece of clothing once wash it and pass it on. My daughter started school in a size one shoe and size 8 dress and by Christmas she was wearing size 5 shoe and size 12/14 dress. No Joke! My son was a size 14 pant in September and now he is into size 18 with a size 10.5 shoe. I can't even wear his outgrown stuff (his boots anyway) he is getting so big.

Lots of clothes going off to Goodwill, Salvation Army and Church thrift shops. I make sure I give to those in need, not the donation boxes where they sell the clothing overseas. I enjoy when others give us clothing hand me downs but at this point my children have out paced everyone elses kids and now have outgrown hand me downs before we get them.

Oh well. It seems I may have to do another dreaded task, the ugly word "shopping". For now I will continue to spring clean until I can see the grain of the floor boards, by then the weather will be warm and I can cut off shirt sleeves and pant legs for t-shirts and shorts and get by until the next cold snap.

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