Friday, September 11, 2009

Today of all days.

Our parents have Pearl Harbor and we have the World Trade Center.
Remembering that day on September 9, 2001 happens more than once a year.
When I see Veterans I always say thank you shake their hand and ask to give them a hug. It's not only for them but the others who continue to help protect us from such acts.
While speaking to my children this morning I asked them what made Pearl Harbor and The World Trade Center different and my son said "nothing". Both were acts of war. The difference I told him was that after Hiroshima and Nagasaki our morals were changed drastically. But how can one have a war without innocent people getting hurt?
The answer I gave was you can't. That is why our troops have been over in the middle east for so long. They are trying to get the factions that planned the attack, hurting as few innocent people as possible. Terrorists will always use a human shield of innocence, when they can, to protect themselves. The innocent will learn to stay as far away from the terrorists a possible (hopefully).
Unfortunately there are always those who haven't anything, that when promised something (anything), will do what ever it takes to achieve that given something.
Stalin, Hitler, Hiroshima and Lao controlled the populous by saying that they were down trodden due to others. They just gave a target and history repeats and repeats and repeats.
The only way that I see an end to war aggression is an end to the world. There will always be those who have and those who have not. Unless you are willing to do what it takes to make gains. Sometimes there is just nothing to be done on a large scale and it needs to start at the bottom and work its way up, together.
There will also always be those who want and take things that don't belong to them. Trying to gain the easy way. But at what cost?
So today is a history lesson. Today is a Critical thinking day. Today is a day to think outside the box of our own little existance and do something for the greater good.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Dentist, Hell's Kitchen

My mouth was in really good shape until I moved over the Ct. River.
I have had soft teeth and have tried to take good care of them.
Three years ago when my Dentist relocated I used his replacement who basically just did cleanings and fillings and sent me to a Dr. in Groton for some more extensive work.
Both screwed up big time and I am now paying the price. I now have four broken teeth with probably no recourse and no way to repair them.
Deep Sigh......There is no such thing as a one stop dentist anymore, much like every other aspect of life everyone has to have a specialty. It's not enough to just be you and be special.
All I can say is there is nothing special about me. Just a regular girl trying to make ends meet. Trying to raise regular children. Draw little attention.
So the real motto is keep low, attract no attention, volunteer no information.
Maybe I will look forward to gumming my food, most likely not. Love crunchy food. Lots and lots of bunny grub for me.
So after a lot of calls and web search I have found a Dentist I am willing to try.
Pain is an enormous motivator. I live with chronic pain so if I consider myself in pain it's just best people and critters stay away least I use my voluminous Opera Voice to convey my feeling and thoughts.

Speaking of Opera voice;
We have a local Chef (Kevin Cottle) who is on the Television program "Hell's Kitchen". Although not the type of programing I would normally watch, we are having a good time watching. Unfortunately the main character drops the F-bomb on a regular basis and calls those who fall below standards British slang cuss words. Insulting to say the least and although my children are watching with my guidance they are being shown how really nice Mom and Dad are (because we could always try to live up to that guys standard of verbal humiliations).

Since our budget around here is tight we don't have cable or a dish and we watch the following day on the web which is cool but the screen is pretty small. Still all in all good fun. We are rooting for the Chef from Connecticut and his professionalism is showing. My crystal ball reads that it will boil down to Kevin and the short female blond chef. One would expect the Executive Chef of a world famous restaurant to have a modicum of class which most of the rest of the contestants don't.

Life on the real farm is moving along. Both meat and vegetable gardens are doing very well. Another 50 chicks and 25 poults today. Down to harvesting next week but that is how we pay our bills.
We need to redo the pig pen since I tried to expand production (under pressure and duress) which just didn't work. Second to the last pig stomped the womp outta me and since I'm not a young bumble I just don't bounce or take a beating like I used to. Probably how I broke that tooth, the Purple pig hit me so hard. I'm going to design a gate system that will squeeze them onto the trailer where I don't actually have to be in with them coaxing or grabbing an ear and tail and tossing them on.

Well we have a lot of errands to run and must get to them. Enjoy the sunshine if you have it since it wont be long before the white stuffs a flyin.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


What a wonderful time.
About 150 +/- friends and family came to visit and have and share some wonderful eats.
There are those we missed but there are always good reasons. No matter, they were missed.
Hopefully next year we won't coincide with another event that took some friends away.

Jamie Larimie won the Tequilla and glass set.
Paul and Joan Tangary won the Bailey's and glass set.
Charlie Wicklien won the 100.00 Gift Certificate to the River Tavern in Chester, Ct.

We are still tired and still cleaning up but it is well worth it.
Pencil off this weekend again next year as we sold most of the T-Shirts and there will be another Pignic.
Thank you to those who donated extra to make it happen.
Just wonderful warm thoughts and hugs go out to everyone. We are all grateful that the weather paused in the rain loop to give us only one down pour early before the fun started. The sun shown, laughter a plenty and more smiles and hugs than one can imagine.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Busy girl

You have it. We have been very busy.
This year I have grown many more critters than usual due to a persistent client who knows what he likes.
More work for me and everyone else.
I have come to realize there are too many.
I will finish this year and reduce numbers next year and people will have to be happy with what I have to offer.

Our Linear Appraisal went well with our girls just the other side of comic relief.
We will do less fairs since it is my belief that the virus we caught at one of last years fairs has been the culprit to most of our troubles this year.
Jeopardizing the whole herd to prove you have nice animals is not in the realm of my consciousness.
We will continue with the fairs we did last year (OK, maybe not all of them) and be happy to know we have nice animals but keep them to ourselves.

The stinking bees swarmed already but gave us 25 lbs of honey which someone bought the whole kit and caboodle. Some people are not sharing well.
That's OK, their bill is paid and so are mine.

I am now getting concerned with my hay supply. The weather has been less than good for making the stuff and I am wondering what I am going to be feeding everyone.
Matter of fact I just got up and called and left a message to the person whom I get my hay from. Better start looking now.

I am still looking for a bull for the cows. I did find a Short Horn (yes it is a breed type not a fashion statement) and hopefully he will be here soon as the girls are nine months into their lactation and this may leave me milkless over the dead of winter. What will I do with myself without teats to pull?

Our ducks have been hatching and we have had three sets of fourteen. We also learned that that is too many and we have to take many away for safty reasons. They actually drown. The duck are not too carefull where they lead the little ones and sometimes they get caught in deep buckets and when just hatched they don't float very well if at all.

My hatchery has once again threw a wrench into my well laid calander of events and if not the wrong bird the wrong time. I bought an incubator last year and will hatch our my own ducks and geese and depending on the turkeys maybe them also. I will set it up this weekend and set some chicken eggs to see how well it works.
The incubator is a larger cabinet type which hatches hundreds of eggs at a time. I only need a few dozen at a time. Might as well work out the kinks now, as the way things go for me it will be better to make the thousands of mistakes and get them over with.

The Garden looks fabulous (if a little muddy) and almost everything is growing well.
My herbs didn't come up so I will have to purchase plants and I have been comparing prices and it is going to be expensive.

Now to look foward to the Pignic. Make the pinata and get the menu planned. Must send out the flyers. I guess I will do that now.
See ya.

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Black Hole

Well it has been quite a few weeks.
Very tiring.
Water heater had to be replaced (nightmare for today), Cow is back from Vermont, Kidd trouble (lost a few but have since found out it wasn't my fault, yippie doesn't make it easier), a Friend loosing one of her Does and Kidds, just so many little things it isn't worth being listed nor being reminded of them.
I have decided that it has been those horrible e-messages that you get from people warning if you don't forward them you will suffer bad luck for so long.........well I'm not going to chance it any more. If you get a message from me that has the subject of ****one of those**** just delete it.
A vortex is bad but this black hole just won't quit!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

All is well

Things have been going well.

Many kidds have been place in pet homes and the Does are milking well with only two now had to be dried off. They are both single milkers and were having problems with their udders.

Lovely went to live on a farm in Vermont. The people kept asking what was wrong with her since she was priced to "sell". I told them the truth, that we wanted her to go to a home. That I encourage farming and Lovely will make a great family cow. They said the deal was too good to be true.

"Welcome to my vortex" I said and I'm sure they will call frequently to update her life. That is fine with me.

Now I will be forced to pick up the pony in Maine for my daughter. I told the person who owns the horse that if my daughter doesn't work with the horse or is frightened of it the horse will go home at the end of the summer.
Since I haven't heard back perhaps they don't like the conditions. At this point I am happy with one less mouth to feed.

We only have a handful of Does to kidd and on to start the gardening season.
Looking forward to grubby nails again.

I am going to have a meeting of "natural mom's of New London". People who are interested in raising their children closer to the earth. Well our farm is a good place to start.

I will have to ask Amy how to handle the whole project.

Second set of chickens and duck have arrived and all are doing well. I am going to purchase a plucker to make my life a bit easier. I so love being in debt. With any luck the birds of this year (in the hundreds) will pay it off.

Still working on the Farmers Market and what I will have available to sell.
Well there are always my children......

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

It seems to me....

Since I have been so busy that I don't get a chance to enter Blog notes. Probably since I now have a facebook page I do get messages from those who care to read what I write there (but I don't write much there either).

I guess I will make monthly (or more often as the mood irks me)entries here.

I have been invited to several Dinner at the Farm dinners since my last installment. The food was delicious and I have made some new friends.

I have installed a new bee package where I was the only person out of probably a hundred who reported a dead queen making me scramble to drive back to Marlborough to pick up another while the worker bees sat and got really angry at me. Installing the package wasn't too bad since it had been a warm day and by the time I got back it was almost dusk. I used cardboard to scrape clusters of bees from the side of the garden shed and put them right into the hive. I don't think I lost too many and the next day they were busy doing what bees do.

I had lost a total of five adult Does and probably eight unborn kidds went with them. Most of the Does were Oberhasli or some part there of. Listeriosis (from bacteria on the ground or from silage they got into while loose from their pens)and Menegialencephalitis. Nothing could have been done to save them. Doesn't make matters any easier.

I have been invited to several Farm Markets but don't really have any product to sell unless I beef out my youngest Guernsey who is not making quite enough milk to be able to stay here. I am working on getting her a home and would rather go that route.

I have severely reinjured my back and have been wearing electronic stimulators to help the pain and keep me functioning and walking. The children have been wonderful and I am grateful for them.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Here we go!

Finally Kidding season has started. Two sets of triplets with three doelings and three bucklings. Everyone is fine.
My most favorite Oberhasli Doe has passed overnight 3 days before she was due to kidd. She was fine the night before since we start bringing them in seven days before due date. Personable and full of loving and hugs. Next day she is acting odd and overnight dies. Too many tears this year already. I am chanting better in the barn and not in the home. It does help me maintain perspective.

Cakes baked and eaten, so much food this family eats. My son now 14 has hit the six foot mark. I wonder where 12 more months will see him. My daughter no slouch either at over four foot at nine years old.

Home schooling is going well. The taxes are almost finished. Probably two more days of entries. Yes I know, I said I would start earlier well, maybe this year......

The girls are loving the hay from New York.
Not much going on worth talking about.
Piglets are making tunnels in the snow to get to the feeder since the big pigs left yesterday. I shoveled a path for them. They remind me of Dachshunds plowing through the snow bellies dragging.

Joined a site called Face Book, kind of like classmates but free and quite a bit of fun. I will look up lost friends. I'm the one who is lost not them.

So have you found your change yet. I am contemplating drawing up a petition to keep presidential campaign spending to the total of what the office promises in salary. Wouldn't that be a kick in the pants? Do the same for the inauguration. Wouldn't the lobbyist die of dehydration and lack of clean pants!

It is quite the learning experience having the children listen to the President speak. Now that he has been in office a few weeks we compare what he promised when getting elected and what he is saying now. Easy to talk when your not the one calling the shots. God speed to him and let him guide our country properly. He is only one person, and, well, we know how one person can get so much done.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Sometimes I just want to stay in bed.

Our loss total is three Does and six kidds. It seems that they may have had an infection but not being able to spend probably upwards of 1000.00 for a diagnosis I will go with that supposition. It could have been numerous things but one thing is for sure unless it is slow to manifest we should be in the clear. No other Does have shown any signs of illness or early termination of pregnancy.
I take full responsibility for the losses. Although I could blame my children it is I who should have checked that all gates were locked. We feed silage to our cows and have a dump pile of moldy silage for the ducks who are unaffected by it. The duck and turkey pick out the kernels and the rest decomposes.
As people walk through gates some sneaky beasts push gates open and head for the grain shed that is usually open when animal care is happening. The grain shed is definitely locked (to help keep out vermin)when we are not around. Several have started testing gates. When they are ajar they leave (sometimes un-noticed) and forage around the lower yard.

One such incident happened just last week with the cows out and roaming but earlier about two weeks ago it had been the goats. I don't know how long they had been out but obviously it had been long enough to get into trouble. Two Does were inseparable and got into what ever it was together. The second young Doe is a glutton who would have followed or seen any creature who may have found anything worth eating and glommed it for herself. They love silage which is bad for them for just this reason. Although cows may be unaffected it targets the smaller ruminants I suppose. Even the calves eat it without mishap.

The hard ground makes if difficult for the old machine to dig a proper hole but I managed to make one deep enough to contain all our losses, with enough room in case we should acquire some more. I will forever dig a hole in the fall and cover it just in case this happens again.

I am not above saying that the goats may have had hardware disease either but one Doe has very neurological symptoms. It makes me think of others who have passed over the season and makes me realize how much more sensitive goats are from cows and all the other farmyard animals. The Does have nearly chewed through several places on the sheds and I wouldn't doubt that they may have gotten some kind of sharp metal object either. They always seem to find a favorite spot somewhere out of regular checking that goes unnoticed till Spring. Again my fault.

The coming weeks will have us repairing all outdoor sheds for loose boards,nails and screws. One wonders how you depreciate buildings on your tax form? Just visit my place and I will show you just how it happens.

Monday, February 23, 2009

It's a ....

Rosita had a doeling. An eight pound plus doeling. Yes, I am surprised since she was quite large and only had one. The Doe I lost was not as large yet had three. I can predict an eventful year this year with the girls. I hope my year doesn't turn out quite like last year but I know I have the strength to get through it all......of course with your help and you know who else.

Hurrah, we (my son and I) get to pick up our new eyeglasses today. My husband will pick his up tonight after work. Instead of a two hour ride home from Stamford he can look forward to about three and a half ride today. No fun what so ever.

Yesterday was fun. Games played with the children. A fun movie with morals that were discussed. Books read. Seeds ordered. Roasted Potatoes devoured. I will never understand how they can eat so many except the fact the potatoes are delicious. I use regular all purpose potatoes with sweet potatoes, what a delectible combination, that is if I can keep the children from eating the raw potatoes (ok, they did learn it from me!). Cheese made for wood-stove ziti, as always that was devoured also. I had a bit of cheese left over (no it doesn't happen often) so I made a quick salad of cubed fresh cheese with sun-dried tomatoe, onions, garlic (of course), cucumbers and thinly sliced fennel and green peppers a little salt and black pepper with Canola oil. Served on some shredded lettuce it was a taste of the coming season. Yumm....

Sunday, February 22, 2009

It is upon us.

Kidding season has started. Rosita is in the barn as we type in labor. Doesn't seem like she will kidd for a while, no rush to go watch yet. But since the last entry I have gotten silage several times, Grain about a dozen times, a load of hay from New York, gone visiting and finally finished the farm Web-site (at least for now

Kidding season has not started well. Two deliveries two weeks too soon left one Doe dead along with all three of her kidds. Another Doe alive but not her kidds. Not the best start to say the least.

Found my daughter a different pony but now my window to pick him up has closed. He (of course)was free for the use but he is in Maine. I will work in getting him in a few weeks.

The hay from New York is everything that people say it is. Very green and not very stalky even for the first cutting. Sure there is higher protein in the first cut but if they don't eat it what good is it? We have had a thaw and the cow pen is covered in uneaten hay. What a waste. The corn the girls are getting is not the best either so milk production is lower. The ducks and poultry are happy since there are a lot of non-digested corn kennels available to them. The wild turkey will be ecstatic. The veal calves are getting bigger and my daughters new 4-H project calf is due to be weaned. That will be one unhappy calf watching the others suck down three gallons of milk a day.

I will head out and look for some new veal calves to start. I have quite a list of client already. Finding decent calves however is proving difficult.

Four pigs have gone in to harvest and another seven have been started. Chicks and ducklings are due this week to start off our growing season. Many are already sold.

It is raining currently and I am going to grab my seed catalog and place my order. This week I will prune the fruit trees and bushes. I have to lay out all the pens and figure out how to concrete the breeding pens. I must look for two decent Solar Fencers. Our terrain is so rocky our ground rods are not effective and the fence doesn't shock the critters as it should. Having a personal fencer for several pens will help the rowdy critters maintain sanity, or not. Maybe I will just make them more difficult to contain.

Friday, February 6, 2009

What's New

As we prepare for the kidding season I have been busy developing and learning how to build a web-site.

I have created my own website: and although it will be under construction forever it is really a learning time for the children and me. I found a host that has template pages and I just fill in the blank but will eventually learn how to change the templates and make my own very personalized web-site.

I have also had the opportunity to meet some of the patrons for "Dinners on the Farm" by being the "guest speaker" at a dinner this week. Located in beautiful downtown Chester the River Tavern, Jonathan Rapp in charge, was warm and cozy. The ambiance was settling. With mother nature tried to keep me on the farm with another snow storm but I had a load of silage in the back of "old red" and didn't have to use the four wheel drive as we passed many a wipe out on the trip there. My husband went with me and both of us met some old friends and some new.
I so appreciated them coming to the dinner to see "Me" as scary a thought they may not have realized. I brought them a gift of my own grown Canna Rhizomes packaged by the children and I, in burlap bags (we made them on another snowy day), pine and cedar shavings and several handful of our wonderful compost, tied with a hay string bow and instructions.
It was impressed that they were appreciated and I was happy that they felt that way. I don't truly get off the farm much but both my husband and I walked away with a good feeling. My husband enjoyed the many different plates of food (in presentations that I could not have dreamed)kudos the chef James Wayman, accompanied with wine from Jones vineyard that were a very nice enhancement to the varied flavors and textures of our plated canvas of delectables.
Usually wines will give me instant heartburn and I shy from them but these (there were three)enhanced the flavor of the food as well as relaxed the guest. I would recommend them to anyone - Jones Winery, Shelton Ct.

Winter harvest has been long and tiring. A few of my friends have been sick and I have cut wrapped their products as well as my own, just increasing my work load. My family is happy since now they have beef instead of our endless supply of chicken and turkey. Sure I make regular dishes I just insert poultry instead of beef and pork but they have not starved from lack of red meat. Such picky people however they usually eat what is delivered to the table without too much complaint. They just know better.

The girls are waiting and so I must leave.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Loading Day

Well despite the darned blasted cold weather we are having "Old Red" gifted us with starting this morning. Of course see was plugged in, since this past cold snap she did not like to run and was out of commission for several days.

I truly think that the sulfur recipe change of the fuel is what has her skirts twisted. I poured a little 911 fuel additive and she is doing better but will have to get the White bottle of 911 to prevent waxing. I have come to realize (after being freaked out at) that Gas Station attendants don't like it when you use a gallon of Kerosene to cut the diesel. You would have thought that I had lit a match at the pump for gosh sakes.

So today a pig and a veal calf went to market. I really don't like to load piggies. I wind up riding them, and if you have never ridden a pig they really don;t like it and buck like a horse but will bite you if they can. However "Blondie" loaded nicely. The Veal calf "Mum" was a little less cooperative. She's gone anyhow. The other pigs are enjoying the extra milk and I gave them a little more hay to make up for the open space. They are all getting so big thought I'm sure that she wont' be missed for long. The house was getting a little crowded.

When the pig was loaded the first thing the calf did was try to kick her. Pigs are quicker than you would think. I was quicker and closed the door after making sure she wasn't hit.

Both hens we put eggs under are no longer broody. Very disheartening since now I have to build an incubator. I will research and buy a turner that will fit into our creation as well as a fan and automatic heater.

I am being forced into attending a Dinner at the River Tavern that I will be the person on display. I made a gift for those who attend. I put several Canna rhizomes in a burlap bag tied with a hay string with direction for planting and storage. I figure if the people are attending they would appreciate a tropical looking plant for their fresh spring garden.

I have hit a wall about getting more farmers to join the Google group. A slow start but I'm sure it will take off for all those involved.

I am ordering my seeds soon and will plant more exotic vegetable for the Chefs to use. A very exciting time here as we are finding new clients and our future is looking very bright.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Where I've been

You may be asking yourself (or maybe not) where the heck is She?

Well I have been visiting a very dark place. Doesn't always happen this time of year but I re-injured my back and I believe the Summers adventures are catching up to me.

When I re-injure my back and it is all I can do to be civil to my family, friends and the critters. It is exhausting to just get through another day. I thank God for such a wonderful family who supports me and knows enough to stay at arms length least they meet with my wrath. It is unavoidable at times and when I feel overwhelmed I try to take a nap. Of course I don't sleep because of the pain but it is quiet time that I can reflect, find the strength that God gave me and calm myself down. Copious quantities of hugs from loved ones helps tremendously.

I was also challenged by a person of "faith" about how my relationship with God wasn't as it should be. I have found my peace again, although that took some time. This person made me feel "wrong" about my love of God and my relationship with him and all that goes with it. I have determined that "NO ONE" should be able to have that kind of power over anyone. Faith is faith, just have it and bask in the love of God and feel it to your soul. SHEESH! I also have noticed that since I have not followed that persons path that they no longer socialize with my family or myself. Their loss.

Well today is the Inauguration of the forty fourth American President. I will have my children watch and co-ordinate the occasion with Martin Luther Kings' theories and principle of "Civil Rights". I will also teach my children to listen to what they say as well as realize that all people who speak to you are giving you their opinions and beliefs. Not all people practice what they preach and a person should be well informed from many different sources. Our country was built on Slavery not only of black people but of white people who were sold into servitude when our nation was very young and were looking for a better life. Many of our first settlers were people who served masters that treated them with cruelty and never made it out of this servitude. In America third to Illegal Drugs Sales, Weapon Sales, Human trafficing which is also illegal is the third most popular form of business. How can this happen? I don't know but it still exists and something should be done to change our way of dealing with it. How about making it more public for a start?

One thing for sure is the next American President can not fix our current economic or social situations in the mere four years that he will be in office. I can only hope that he serves his constituents with honesty (which would be a first) and loyalty. Let's face it although he won by electoral votes he only won by three percentage points of the popular vote (I haven't quite figured this out yet, I guess when you win a state you must get all the electoral votes as they don't share?). However has anyone noticed that the winner is embraced and supported because it was a fair election (no matter how mind numbing the length!).

The farm is well and we are trudging through about a foot or more of the Winters fruit. It has been exciting weather and we are enjoying it with sledding, four wheel drive and lots of tea and hot chocolate. We are nearly out of wood but I am unable to do anything about it. When the last fire dies the cold will settle to my bones. I hope they will be able to pry me from the water bed.

Soon kidding season will start. I must order new supplies immediately. Then the Chick, Poult and hog orders. Eye Glass appointments for the family. Well I will start with the cookie trays and wait for my client who is picking up 250 eggs. This will help the income slump and help pay for the load of grain tomorrow.

Stay warm and I will try to post more often. My back permitting. Can't sit too long these I ever do?