Saturday, March 15, 2008

Accidents Happen!

There are things in life (as in everything everyday) that we haven't any control over.

Just trying to keep up is arduous, but we maintain and whittle away at our list of jobs to be done.
Then out of the blue someone throws a wrench into the works that just discombobulates everything.

That is what has happened this week. My loving, darling husband totaled his truck on Tuesday. As long as he is alright so am I.

In my life right now I have farm matters (a herd of 60+ goats, 4 cows, 100 or so chicks, turkeys and pigs to deal with let alone keeping enough food on hand for all of them) and the house should be in there somewhere. Home teach my son, keep up on the daughter and market my goods from the farm and keep the network going. It was decided long ago that the farm become a real working entity. All is working well but when this little runaway puddle of greased bee bees was spilled who would have imagined that it would cause such a train wreck.

My head is all askew from surfing the net to find a replacement truck. I did find one and now celebrate the fact with some sushi. Of course used but heck with the amount of accidents my little commuter is having it is for the best. Still now the refinancing, insurance chasing, consolidating.

It seems a miracle but somehow it works out that I actually save 14,000.00 in three years if I float a new loan. I don't know how I did it and unless the FBI or the local police break down the door I won't question it either.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

New feeder pigs

Well we delivered two pigs to market. Stopped off and got six more.

What is it about pig stink that prevents it from washing, scrubbing or power washing off?

I wore overalls, boots and gloves and yet here I am making my own eyes water. I have tried everything except TSP. I figure I will need some skin tomorrow............

Well I suppose I will go outside and cut down some trees and prune the fruit trees and maybe the oil from the chain saw will help drown out some of the stench! Of course it is what they are fed at the piggery that makes them so odorous, but we won't go into that. After a week or two here they will be stink free and happy in their new home. I did get pigs of all different sizes so that I can have income along the way. They are already sold at this point (I'm pretty sure at least).

Now I have to find another calf for veal and all will be quiet until the next wave of kidds arrive in April. Not including the meat chicks and turkey poults due this week.