Monday, February 25, 2008

Quiet Sundays

I'm sure there is someone somewhere that has an uneventful life and I can say that I'm glad it belongs to someone else. Things here on our little farm are always in some state of chaos or less than what one would consider orderly.

A better part of the day involved disbudding, tattooing and debuckafying (I love to make up words but basically castrating the male goats by, well, more on that at another time) and only getting about half the kidds done, I headed up to make breakfast for he children and husband. OK it was about 2:00 but at least we were having an early dinner. Not to worry, I had just started to fry the burgers when the doorbell rang.

A work related person to the husband (who was all disheveled from cleaning after many different animals, OK, he was stinky and smelly.....) was looking to be rehired by the company. No time soon as things this time of year are slow (let alone the economy the way it is, yup more on that at another time).

Less than two minutes after he arrives and I get him seated at the kitchen table that I had freshly chisel the childrens attempt at feeding themselves, the phone rings and it is the post office telling me the new layer chicks have arrived. When you get this call you must run. It takes many years to teach the Postal Workers that the chicks really would be better off with who knows how to take care of them. Off goes the pan and dashing to the truck I am confronted by an upset teenager from next door who has heard that I am shipping her favorite doe (due to breeding problems) and she is going to rescue her. Fine I motor down to get the doe and check on the children who are sledding , no they are playing in the brook. Yes in freezing weather. Retrieve said doe from the buck pen, trim her feet and off she goes. Now my daughter would like to ride along so I wait for her.

The chicks are in fine health though complaining, the barn is cold but time will tell. They have been given their first drink and food and a nice deep nest of shavings. My son had done a fabulous job setting up for the new additions. Back to the stove to finish making dinner. Oh look, time to do animal care again. I do love this lifestyle so......

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