Thursday, September 18, 2008

In "summer"y

Well now that the summer is winding down it is time to reflect on all that has happened. Reflection about the summer while one tries to harvest and preserve the bounties of a garden that I have not more than just walked through all summer (I know there are edible weeds but really........) I know I planted seeds somewhere. I I mean Canna's that are eight feet tall, pig weed and goose foot at least four feet tall, look at that grass.....where is the machette?

Beside preperation for health papers for so many animals and birds so they can go to fairs, almost all the bird leg bands fall off to prevent them from being shown all summer (one fair will not pay for the testing done, which is all we have left.)and I spent a considerable amount of time trying to get the vet back to reband:

My beautiful daughter breaks a vertebre in her neck in an on farm accident (dealing with the insurance company),
600 bales of hay stored to the loft (do you know the price of hay?),
8 agrucultural fairs (lots of new friends and contacts and not enought premium money to pay for the fuel to get back and forth),
60 square of shingles on the roof and filling a dumpster (Do you remember how hot it was this summer?),
My son's apendectomy (surprise didn't see that coming either!),
five batches of chickens raised and sold (business holding on barely),
six pigs the same ("At The Farm Dinners" a worthy cause and tasty too, Google it, for it is good for local farmers including me),
four veal calves (there is a real shortage of farm calves who would have thought),
one heifer and several goats to auction (culling time for those who don't produce enough to pay for their grain),
the new bee hives giving me greif (one hive decided to swam (as in leave)not once but twice, ungrateful creatures....)
and finally the decision to homeschool both children...........

Yes, it took a considerable amount of stamina to get through. Keeping the farm running throughout the whole process was trying to say the least. My poor home has suffered the most. Thank goodness that it has a new roof and isn't complaining too much. So perhaps there was some moments of sheer exhaustion (What day is it? Where am I supposed to be? What do you mean it's raining again!).

Time for me? You must be joking.........

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Are you kidding me?

I have heard that the presidential candidates are going to spend collectively about a billion dollars on the election process. Am I missing something? That is over three dollars per american!


I understand they are keeping the advertising agencies busy however don't they think that the big donations people need to give to a more worthy cause? With the US population in the avenue of 304 million people I would imagine that the money could be warranted to some much need help to those in need. Starting with our veterans and moving to education and housing?

Perhaps if they were kept in check on spending the debates would be worth watching because they would actually have to answer questions about their stance on an issue rather than skirt it and bombard us with more political retohric. If they were limitied to just the issues and none of the name calling. Vote for me I'm black and a minority and the underdog, vote for me I am a veteran and have values just like you.

I am insulted by this tactic.

How is it that Freddie Mac and Fanny Mae executives get to walk away with a 25 million dollar severance package? Aren't they going to be held responsible? Didn't they put the market in it's current decline to their deliberate acts such as were practiced at Enron?

Holy cow puckies, if I ever dreamed of keeping books like the government I would be in jail for life. I live in fear that the IRS will bang on my door because I forgot to inclued the 40.00 someone paid me for grain or the fair premimum that my children earned this summer. If the money belongs to a goat or a cow, do they have to pay taxes on it too?

I have been saying for he past three years that things were harder for the middle class and our economy was hurting. Now the market goes down a bit and the rich start to feel a pinch so now is the only time the econory is in turmoil?
Wake up and smell the coffee.

Our econony is at it's healthiest when the markets is around 10,000. It all boils down to greed. The rich want to be richer and the middle class would be happy with a little less stress thank you.