Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Mice and cats......

During my attending to the critters this morning, I was off to get some pig grain as the gang was rattling their near empty feeder. I opened the bin to bucket it out and met with at least 12 black beady eyes. You bet I yelled as they were about face level. They ran and I stood my ground. This brought the son running since the most yelling he hears from Mom is usually to get his tiny hinney in gear.

Where are the cats when you need them? Of course they are hiding from the spring rains that engulf us at the moment. Maybe the are a bit too well fed with all the milk and grain they get. So with nest removed and Mom's heart safe for another days heart attack my Son lays out mouse bait that will not harm the larger animals as it is only palatable to rodents.

I will put off getting the calves again as I don't want to be covered with calf scours (diarrhea) and have to ride an hour home soaking wet let alone stinky. Doesn't matter if you have rain gear, water usually runs down or through the vents that are strategically placed to soak you buttocks and shoulders and not in that order.

I walked by the hives and found that the one hive I had just put a new queen in had been growing a new queen. I found several pupae carcasses outside the entrance. Talk about giving you the heebee geebies. I can only hope I got her placed in time to grow new workers. Workers take about 21 days to hatch and they go through quite the training network doing all sorts of different jobs in their short lives. I suppose I shouldn't complain but what fun would that be.

I will continue the work of organizing taxes for next year and have my Son work on his current project that I will have him show at the 4-H exposition this year. I is likely to be the only one of its kind and very relevant. I won't spoil the surprise for those who will be at the fair in North Stonington sometime in July (I think it is the third weekend).

Once again the 4-H group is having some kind of get together this weekend. It is beginning to get a little difficult getting to the events. With the growing season beginning and my having to anticipate and make purchases for re-roofing the house my life isn't going to get much of a respite. I suppose I can rest when I'm taking the old dirt nap. My husband isn't very pleased either since there are quite a few things that need our combined attention to get the stuff done. It will all get done (or not) in the end.

I need a list of priorities. Yeah..........right, we both know how that works!

1 comment:

Amy Smith said...

UGH! I HATE HATE HATE mice!!! I think I only hate snakes more than hate mice.