Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The truth.......

Well as the truth has been told to me I am not feeling so bad about loosing the last few animals. Poor things (bull calves) did not have their colostrum for at the minimum 12 hours and who knows really how long it took.

I don't blame them (the farmer) they have a huge maximum capacity farm with over 300 milking three times a day. They make close to 30,000 pounds of milk a day so I can see how a (basically useless in their book) bull calf can be over looked. The cows udders are so huge that the calf (who looks at the high point of the udder)for a drink can't always find it. Sometimes the teats are so big that the calf can't manage.

Without the colostrum as we all know, the calf has no antibodies from his dam to take him through the first important few days of life. No matter what I do by the time I get him will help (that is without spending a large quantity of money). So there I have it. Still feel bad though.

So now I have two more and they are fine and healthy. Drinking up a storm and flitting about.

On another subject.

My daughter has a slight hearing loss in one ear. I have been called by the school no less than four times about the subject. The pediatrician was not worried nor was I but none the less I had to take her to the Audiologist to make sure there wasn't some form of vegetable growing in her ears. The doctor gave her the thumbs up but still she took 2.5 hours to test and recheck. What a long day....
I don't mind making sure my girl is healthy (the school was trying to tell me she could have a tumor or something, thanks for that!).

What really bothers me is that while I had my daughter bring home extra work I have again realized that the girl has no concept of her vowel sounds.

Yes, I am frustrated.

Yes, I have been working with her myself,

No, the school thinks there isn't enough of an issue to get extra help.

If you don't know your short vowel sounds do you think you will have difficulty reading and learning to spell? Sure my girl can do American Sign Language (something I have always wanted to learn) and speak Spanish so I guess they don't expect her to have to know how to read or write at this point. Is it me? Am I expecting too much from the school to teach her the basics of our language?

Sure I sometimes call my daughter the trophy wife in jest but it looks like the school is going to have her major in it!

1 comment:

Amy Smith said...

What you fail to realize is that school's concern is only that the child be able to fill in the correct bubble on the mastery tests. And since the girl is bright, she manages to do so often enough (whether by accident or on purpose) to make them happy. Hey, my next meeting with the school is June 5th, and I have results from outside testing that prove the child has issues... wanna be a fly on the wall?