Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Spring Surprises

Spring this year has lived up (so far) to the Metaphor "in like a lion" and I will up date when we reach the end of the month. I have to say it is raining again but he cold has lessened and we get a few days of the stronger sun to help dry the boot sucking mud for us. I have renamed my daughter Nanny Mudd Fanny since a rather large Doe (who was frightened by the new milk vacuum noise) dragged her face down through the mud while other Does proceeded to step all over her body as well as her head leaving her engulfed in a nice stinky layer of mud. I don't understand why she didn't see the humor of the moment. Truly a site to behold and I'm sure many a farm wife has chuckled over this maylay often.

I don't understand why so many women find terror in children having fun in the great outdoors. I have heard Mom's say "stay away from the puddles" "don't get dirty" and too many more to even type out. Don't these Moms consider that they may be giving their children long term psychological issues, dirt phobias, rainy day disgruntlement?

Around here a pound of dirt ingested a year keeps a kid healthy. Of course I don't condone eating mud pies but puddles are magnets as well as brooks, ponds and swamps filled with fun polliwogs and dragon fly larva. I don't expect my children to come in from their day of adventuring without scrapes and bruises however I do expect that they use the good sense God gave the goat and not break any bones.

This Mama is a firm believer of a right to childhood and all the dirt that goes with it. Once again my house is no showcase but then again one feels at home the moment you walk in the door. Take your shoes off? Not unless you want dirty socks.

1 comment:

Amy Smith said...

Your story of Nan reminds me of one with Nathalie. It is too long to type out but suffice it to say, she may never live up to her middle name of "Grace", and it too has a goat and some mud in it!