Sunday, March 9, 2008

New feeder pigs

Well we delivered two pigs to market. Stopped off and got six more.

What is it about pig stink that prevents it from washing, scrubbing or power washing off?

I wore overalls, boots and gloves and yet here I am making my own eyes water. I have tried everything except TSP. I figure I will need some skin tomorrow............

Well I suppose I will go outside and cut down some trees and prune the fruit trees and maybe the oil from the chain saw will help drown out some of the stench! Of course it is what they are fed at the piggery that makes them so odorous, but we won't go into that. After a week or two here they will be stink free and happy in their new home. I did get pigs of all different sizes so that I can have income along the way. They are already sold at this point (I'm pretty sure at least).

Now I have to find another calf for veal and all will be quiet until the next wave of kidds arrive in April. Not including the meat chicks and turkey poults due this week.

1 comment:

Amy Smith said...

Glad to hear you are getting a break! THis is my life this week:
I have one goat who is due to kidd tomorrow.
Another due on the 16th and third and fourth due on the 30th and April 2nd.
I have 26 three week old chicks living in my playroom.
I have another 25 chicks arriving on the 31st.
I have a half finished mudroom that I can't use because it still needs a floor and a ceiling, never mind the cabinets and hooks that need to be installed. Because of previous statement, all boots, coats, milking equipment, bee equipment, camping equipment, etc. is piled in the playroom and stacked on my sewing area.
One of the dogs had to be moved to inside the barn since her outside area is literally under 1 foot of water.
I have 20,000 bees and 2 queens arriving on April 12th and my hive supplies order is backordered!
I have 30 gallons of sap being stored in our camper (hey, I am just glad it's not in my playroom!) that need to be processed into syrup.
All 5 girls have girl scout meetings in the upcoming week, none of them on the same day.
Nathalie starts her CPR/first aid course on Wednesday.
I have a dentist appointment for a cavity.
4H meeting is on Tuesday.
A meeting with Rachel's teachers, etc. on Thursday,
and Nathalie's birthday party sleepover on Friday night.
I don't want ot even think about Saturday's list. I think it involves two of me and teleportation!