Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter, Thank you

This Easter and ever day......

I am grateful for my family and my life and the love we share for those we know and have yet to meet.

I thank the greatest of all and all the sacrifices made.

I thank all those who have been before, that we learn from, and I will try not to repeat or have any hand in tragedies that lie ahead.

I am grateful for the peace and contentment,I feel, and the comfort I am able to give others when they are in need. I am grateful that I cause discomfort to those who have lost touch with how they treat others. I am glad that I can bring a smile or a laugh to those who could use it.

I am sorry that I have lost those who I didn't have the opportunity to love fuller or get to know better. For those who are gone that have given to me in ways I am unaware.

I look forward to the adventures that lay ahead both good times and not. The strength that I was given at birth and the ability to hang onto it and ask the one who matters how to help me use it best.

Today as always I say thank you, forgive me when I forget, you are who matters most.

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