Saturday, February 23, 2008

4-H Public Speaking

Well I heard of a lot of sickness running through the 4-H group. Now that I see to the Leader of the group it has been suggested that it is the community center (where we meet) that has made someone elses child ill.........

I suppose it's possible. How does that person suggest that we correct it?

Just for general information, I am easily led astray since I don't get off the farm much, unless I'm running for supplies for the critters. One doesn't really understand what certain items can make life so much simpler.

Home Teaching my son was going to happen, you (Vortex Amy) just showed me how easy it was and pushed me over the edge (no bungee attached). I can't call it "Home School" since that is exactly the environment he so easily lost track of things or your typical structured style. He has responded beautifully with all subjects he has been give. An eighth grader technically but he is working on Physics, Biology, Chemistry and some math on higher levels that challenge his way of thinking. I am amazed how quickly he learns without the confine of Public School structure. He continues to correct me or surprise me with all sorts of interesting facts that he has learned along the way. Reciting molecular structure and why it works, what bonds are made easily which are volatile. He has received many magazine subscriptions and he also keeps me abreast of all that is going on in that big busy world. I am sure that there would be many critics to the eclectic style we use but it is obviously working for my child.

Some people may take note now that as long as I am not hurting anyone I don't really give much notice to those around me. I am a big physical presence, often will give my side or opinion readily. The world label might be Obnoxious, but I tire easily from stupidity.

I need to be dazzled by brilliance (that I all to often notice happening less and less), than befuddled by cow puckies which I can readily recognize!

The Pecan Sticky Bun were a huge success. While baking on a snowy day it is so gratifying, the bouquet of scents. Of course being Friday and Pizza night, fresh cheese, fresh garlic crust, topped fresh beef sausage, onions, green peppers and black olives. Sticky buns for dessert, no wonder my kids and husband are often in a hurry to get home. We also don't go out for dinner much since my husband at 6'8" usually walks away hungry and as he likes to point out "They don't prepare the food any better than at home". Thanks Honey.
When we walked into the house from evening animal care, we were buffeted by the woodstoves warmth, quickly followed by the heady scents of the days cooking and baking.

Thank you to all our Armed Forces who continue to make my lifestyle possible, without fear. I wish for you safety and comfort in the fact that you are all thought of on a daily basis.

1 comment:

Amy Smith said...

"Vortex Amy"!?!?!
Now you've given me a nickname? Hey! I just thought of another vortex which you have fallen into: Bees! At least the Bees will give you something back unlike the trailer, homeschool, or 4-H. Those others just take, take, take...