Monday, February 23, 2009

It's a ....

Rosita had a doeling. An eight pound plus doeling. Yes, I am surprised since she was quite large and only had one. The Doe I lost was not as large yet had three. I can predict an eventful year this year with the girls. I hope my year doesn't turn out quite like last year but I know I have the strength to get through it all......of course with your help and you know who else.

Hurrah, we (my son and I) get to pick up our new eyeglasses today. My husband will pick his up tonight after work. Instead of a two hour ride home from Stamford he can look forward to about three and a half ride today. No fun what so ever.

Yesterday was fun. Games played with the children. A fun movie with morals that were discussed. Books read. Seeds ordered. Roasted Potatoes devoured. I will never understand how they can eat so many except the fact the potatoes are delicious. I use regular all purpose potatoes with sweet potatoes, what a delectible combination, that is if I can keep the children from eating the raw potatoes (ok, they did learn it from me!). Cheese made for wood-stove ziti, as always that was devoured also. I had a bit of cheese left over (no it doesn't happen often) so I made a quick salad of cubed fresh cheese with sun-dried tomatoe, onions, garlic (of course), cucumbers and thinly sliced fennel and green peppers a little salt and black pepper with Canola oil. Served on some shredded lettuce it was a taste of the coming season. Yumm....

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