Sunday, May 4, 2008

That's it I'm done...........

Such frustration the past few days.

It has to be the weather.

The animals are cranky.......I'm cranky.........children acting like lack of sleep......

It has been cooler damp weather. My newly acquired buck is ill. No I don't know if he will live. Very upsetting. I am doing all that I can but it doesn't look good. I don't have a 1000.00 let alone 100.00 to call the vet in on a Sunday to have him say that he's clue less and I have already done everything he would have done.
He has been here less than a week, all was fine, who the heck knows...

Children working on paperwork for their 4-H exposition......The hot dog sale was fun yesterday. The kids actually sold out early. Not much earlier but the parents were ready to leave also.

The new calves are fine and so are the rest of the critters. A few mishaps due to husbandry (literally the husband!).

I have come to a conclusion that a family line of my Alpine are genetically weak. They just don't work well with the bucks that I have been getting. If the Does don't go Cystic the Does who do kidd, the offspring are small and weak. I have several generations and it isn't getting any better and it takes a lot of work to pull the Kidds through. All in all there is only 40% or less viability rate and it takes a toll on a person. All the other lines are fine. Problem is that this family has wonderful long bodies and tremendous personality, great milkers......oh well.......

Things will only get better and if not I will think gratfully of the times now and stop my whining.........