That's it! I have absolutely had it!
I am sick and tired of being the target for those who, through their self-importance, make me suffer from their cell phone use.
Erratic driving being towards the top of the list. Swerving, driving slow until I try to pass ,then speeding up. Them passing me and riding over the line to push me off the road. Rushing in on a parking space while I am signaling and am already pulling in. I know, much too important to talk on the phone than use the direction signal and cutting people off.
It's too bad that it's illegal to own a disruptor, that for a mere 50.00, would give people like me no end of pleasure.
I'm tired of being forced to listen to others phone calls in public places and events. You try not to listen but what the heck, if I'm grocery shopping how am I supposed to divert myself except to talk to myself or answer the person who I thought was talking to me.
Almost all cell phone addicts will look at you as if you are possessed or insane. Cell phone addicts think I'm rude?
I would imagine that 99.99% of these calls can be made at non multitasking situations. I don't personally own one. I don't plan to get one anytime soon either. I have a message machine or I would never realize how many people would need to talk to me. I wonder if I didn't have the answering machine how many times the police would be at my house to make sure I'm still alive.
Yes, I left a message for my daughters teacher and we will play phone tag for a while but we eventually will get together.
When was the last time anyone wrote a letter? Our society has become too disengaged. Computers, cell phones, bulk mail. I doubt that when these people meet they will be able to conduct a civil conversation. I must say that I still enjoy talking to people. Trading stories and opinions. Watching their face of disbelief when something wild comes out of my mouth.
We usually always have such a wonderful turn out for all our parties. Go figure, no one gives parties any more. Too expensive and God forbid you should actually have to talk to someone.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Sorry we're CLOSED!
I realize that when one has a farm (no matter how small or large) that it is less than likely that many people will realize that the saying early to bed and early to rise does truly exist.
I personally don't stay up late and I do tend to get up earlier than a lot for my friends so with that said, when someone calls, and they are told I'm in the shower, that it is OK to come to the farm? It is after all 8:30 and by all reasonable deduction when this person knows I am out doing animal care at 4:00 did they in all reality wait until beyond dark?
It is similar to open a gate close the gate. All a matter of farm edicate.
Another sale made, be grateful I know. See how grumpy I get without by 8.
I will tell the husband not to answer the phone either. Of course it must have been his fault. Don't make eye contact, Don't smile and for all the beans in the world don't start a polite conversation. Next time it will be we're closed come back tomorrow.
I personally don't stay up late and I do tend to get up earlier than a lot for my friends so with that said, when someone calls, and they are told I'm in the shower, that it is OK to come to the farm? It is after all 8:30 and by all reasonable deduction when this person knows I am out doing animal care at 4:00 did they in all reality wait until beyond dark?
It is similar to open a gate close the gate. All a matter of farm edicate.
Another sale made, be grateful I know. See how grumpy I get without by 8.
I will tell the husband not to answer the phone either. Of course it must have been his fault. Don't make eye contact, Don't smile and for all the beans in the world don't start a polite conversation. Next time it will be we're closed come back tomorrow.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Spring Cleaning Bug
Well, I don't consider myself a material person. I only try to purchase what is needed. Usually weeks, months or years after I have decided that " It" is needed. Save, save, save and buy once then buy right.
Great philosophy.
When did I forget the part to get rid of something once it is broken, worn out and useless?! My home is very lived in and less than what I or anyone would call tidy. You won't get sick from eating here but "Things" have been accumulating. My affectionate saying on the subject, " I don't bother the dust and it doesn't bother me" I truly now believe that the dust tumble weeds have grown into weapon baring wolves and just as large. No open door and spring breeze will remove them from where they hide. Fine, forget the vacuum I will get the rake from the garden shed. Show them who's boss.......
Yesterday was chilly and rainy so I decided to go into the abyss (my childrens rooms) and make an attempt at vacuuming without removing all the little parts that are important in some way to them. Not a problem. I couldn't get in either door. The floors were covered in toys, outgrown clothing, and useless papers. Seems my pack rat genetics have been passed to my children.
Countless garbage bags later and only about four feet into each room I am debating whether to rent a dumpster and just shovel everything out the window. My children are at the age where they are growing fast, wear a piece of clothing once wash it and pass it on. My daughter started school in a size one shoe and size 8 dress and by Christmas she was wearing size 5 shoe and size 12/14 dress. No Joke! My son was a size 14 pant in September and now he is into size 18 with a size 10.5 shoe. I can't even wear his outgrown stuff (his boots anyway) he is getting so big.
Lots of clothes going off to Goodwill, Salvation Army and Church thrift shops. I make sure I give to those in need, not the donation boxes where they sell the clothing overseas. I enjoy when others give us clothing hand me downs but at this point my children have out paced everyone elses kids and now have outgrown hand me downs before we get them.
Oh well. It seems I may have to do another dreaded task, the ugly word "shopping". For now I will continue to spring clean until I can see the grain of the floor boards, by then the weather will be warm and I can cut off shirt sleeves and pant legs for t-shirts and shorts and get by until the next cold snap.
Great philosophy.
When did I forget the part to get rid of something once it is broken, worn out and useless?! My home is very lived in and less than what I or anyone would call tidy. You won't get sick from eating here but "Things" have been accumulating. My affectionate saying on the subject, " I don't bother the dust and it doesn't bother me" I truly now believe that the dust tumble weeds have grown into weapon baring wolves and just as large. No open door and spring breeze will remove them from where they hide. Fine, forget the vacuum I will get the rake from the garden shed. Show them who's boss.......
Yesterday was chilly and rainy so I decided to go into the abyss (my childrens rooms) and make an attempt at vacuuming without removing all the little parts that are important in some way to them. Not a problem. I couldn't get in either door. The floors were covered in toys, outgrown clothing, and useless papers. Seems my pack rat genetics have been passed to my children.
Countless garbage bags later and only about four feet into each room I am debating whether to rent a dumpster and just shovel everything out the window. My children are at the age where they are growing fast, wear a piece of clothing once wash it and pass it on. My daughter started school in a size one shoe and size 8 dress and by Christmas she was wearing size 5 shoe and size 12/14 dress. No Joke! My son was a size 14 pant in September and now he is into size 18 with a size 10.5 shoe. I can't even wear his outgrown stuff (his boots anyway) he is getting so big.
Lots of clothes going off to Goodwill, Salvation Army and Church thrift shops. I make sure I give to those in need, not the donation boxes where they sell the clothing overseas. I enjoy when others give us clothing hand me downs but at this point my children have out paced everyone elses kids and now have outgrown hand me downs before we get them.
Oh well. It seems I may have to do another dreaded task, the ugly word "shopping". For now I will continue to spring clean until I can see the grain of the floor boards, by then the weather will be warm and I can cut off shirt sleeves and pant legs for t-shirts and shorts and get by until the next cold snap.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Quiet Sundays
I'm sure there is someone somewhere that has an uneventful life and I can say that I'm glad it belongs to someone else. Things here on our little farm are always in some state of chaos or less than what one would consider orderly.
A better part of the day involved disbudding, tattooing and debuckafying (I love to make up words but basically castrating the male goats by, well, more on that at another time) and only getting about half the kidds done, I headed up to make breakfast for he children and husband. OK it was about 2:00 but at least we were having an early dinner. Not to worry, I had just started to fry the burgers when the doorbell rang.
A work related person to the husband (who was all disheveled from cleaning after many different animals, OK, he was stinky and smelly.....) was looking to be rehired by the company. No time soon as things this time of year are slow (let alone the economy the way it is, yup more on that at another time).
Less than two minutes after he arrives and I get him seated at the kitchen table that I had freshly chisel the childrens attempt at feeding themselves, the phone rings and it is the post office telling me the new layer chicks have arrived. When you get this call you must run. It takes many years to teach the Postal Workers that the chicks really would be better off with who knows how to take care of them. Off goes the pan and dashing to the truck I am confronted by an upset teenager from next door who has heard that I am shipping her favorite doe (due to breeding problems) and she is going to rescue her. Fine I motor down to get the doe and check on the children who are sledding , no they are playing in the brook. Yes in freezing weather. Retrieve said doe from the buck pen, trim her feet and off she goes. Now my daughter would like to ride along so I wait for her.
The chicks are in fine health though complaining, the barn is cold but time will tell. They have been given their first drink and food and a nice deep nest of shavings. My son had done a fabulous job setting up for the new additions. Back to the stove to finish making dinner. Oh look, time to do animal care again. I do love this lifestyle so......
A better part of the day involved disbudding, tattooing and debuckafying (I love to make up words but basically castrating the male goats by, well, more on that at another time) and only getting about half the kidds done, I headed up to make breakfast for he children and husband. OK it was about 2:00 but at least we were having an early dinner. Not to worry, I had just started to fry the burgers when the doorbell rang.
A work related person to the husband (who was all disheveled from cleaning after many different animals, OK, he was stinky and smelly.....) was looking to be rehired by the company. No time soon as things this time of year are slow (let alone the economy the way it is, yup more on that at another time).
Less than two minutes after he arrives and I get him seated at the kitchen table that I had freshly chisel the childrens attempt at feeding themselves, the phone rings and it is the post office telling me the new layer chicks have arrived. When you get this call you must run. It takes many years to teach the Postal Workers that the chicks really would be better off with who knows how to take care of them. Off goes the pan and dashing to the truck I am confronted by an upset teenager from next door who has heard that I am shipping her favorite doe (due to breeding problems) and she is going to rescue her. Fine I motor down to get the doe and check on the children who are sledding , no they are playing in the brook. Yes in freezing weather. Retrieve said doe from the buck pen, trim her feet and off she goes. Now my daughter would like to ride along so I wait for her.
The chicks are in fine health though complaining, the barn is cold but time will tell. They have been given their first drink and food and a nice deep nest of shavings. My son had done a fabulous job setting up for the new additions. Back to the stove to finish making dinner. Oh look, time to do animal care again. I do love this lifestyle so......
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Winter travel
Living in New England it is no surprise that the weather keeps a person on their toes when it comes to navigating our highways and byways. We had a wee bit of a storm on Friday and it amazes me how so many people panic at the sight of a little white stuff and some frozen (depending on how close you live to the shore) percipitaiton.
Only about 3 inches of snow with a light cover of about a 3/8 inch of ice. People run out and push out or attach their snow throwers or plows to the garden tractor, SUV, quad or any moveable object (look out Fido your tails not safe) to remove Mother Natures lovely blanket that keeps some of us entertained for a few days sleding or things of the such.
Fine. No real problem with it (of course there is that tremendous use of petroleum product). One needs to stay upright, it could turn slippery, whatever. What has me in a snit is that a large percentage of these "weekend warrior want a be's" leave a huge bulk of plowing remains across from their now prisitine (in their book) cleaned driveway.
Yesterday it was imperative that a Jersey Bull (I have found out his name was Rex, I named him Bull Robert no wonder he came when I called him...) that I had borrowed to address the Guernsey girl needs be returned. When Bull Robert starts to lower his head kick up dirt as he dances around you, knocks gates off hinges, "Hey its time for you to go!" I have a desire to live a long healthy, non mangled life.
My husband and I, through great drama, load the bull onto the new (as in different to us) trailer and head out for delivery. The roads were clear enough when we started out at 10:30. Now don't get me wrong, the trailer is a goose neck and a bit longer than the last tag along we had. It tows like a dream. That is until you hit that mound of snow you try to miss unless there is another vehical approaching from the other direction. Granted two miserable miles of driveway sludge is not much, but the worry was the damage to truck and trailer let alone Bull Robert who was being tossed around in the back.
Our road is barely wide enough in dry weather for two vehicals so trying to navigate moguls makes the ride nearly impossible. You slow in time not to hit the on coming vehical but it is difficult (since in the past ten years they have probably built 300 new houses on that stretch of road) not to have to plow trough driveway deffecations. I know that the homeowners turned plow demons think the town crew will blast it out of the way but our town has only two plows (not including coffee breaks and reloading) and it takes quite some time before they get to these things.
We survived, so did the bull, no damage to vehicals but my love for these neighbors was and has remained low. Most of them give little thought to what others may have to deal with due to their counrtyfied apprentice tactics. This time of year this Snow and Ice won't last due to the Suns strength but low temperatures can make these objects very dangerous road hazards.
Ok, enough ranting for the day the two legged kids need attention.
Yup this is a perfect forum to vent these things.......
Only about 3 inches of snow with a light cover of about a 3/8 inch of ice. People run out and push out or attach their snow throwers or plows to the garden tractor, SUV, quad or any moveable object (look out Fido your tails not safe) to remove Mother Natures lovely blanket that keeps some of us entertained for a few days sleding or things of the such.
Fine. No real problem with it (of course there is that tremendous use of petroleum product). One needs to stay upright, it could turn slippery, whatever. What has me in a snit is that a large percentage of these "weekend warrior want a be's" leave a huge bulk of plowing remains across from their now prisitine (in their book) cleaned driveway.
Yesterday it was imperative that a Jersey Bull (I have found out his name was Rex, I named him Bull Robert no wonder he came when I called him...) that I had borrowed to address the Guernsey girl needs be returned. When Bull Robert starts to lower his head kick up dirt as he dances around you, knocks gates off hinges, "Hey its time for you to go!" I have a desire to live a long healthy, non mangled life.
My husband and I, through great drama, load the bull onto the new (as in different to us) trailer and head out for delivery. The roads were clear enough when we started out at 10:30. Now don't get me wrong, the trailer is a goose neck and a bit longer than the last tag along we had. It tows like a dream. That is until you hit that mound of snow you try to miss unless there is another vehical approaching from the other direction. Granted two miserable miles of driveway sludge is not much, but the worry was the damage to truck and trailer let alone Bull Robert who was being tossed around in the back.
Our road is barely wide enough in dry weather for two vehicals so trying to navigate moguls makes the ride nearly impossible. You slow in time not to hit the on coming vehical but it is difficult (since in the past ten years they have probably built 300 new houses on that stretch of road) not to have to plow trough driveway deffecations. I know that the homeowners turned plow demons think the town crew will blast it out of the way but our town has only two plows (not including coffee breaks and reloading) and it takes quite some time before they get to these things.
We survived, so did the bull, no damage to vehicals but my love for these neighbors was and has remained low. Most of them give little thought to what others may have to deal with due to their counrtyfied apprentice tactics. This time of year this Snow and Ice won't last due to the Suns strength but low temperatures can make these objects very dangerous road hazards.
Ok, enough ranting for the day the two legged kids need attention.
Yup this is a perfect forum to vent these things.......
Goose neck trailer,
Jersey Bull,
New England snow
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